Part of the Ixora family within The Flower Universe collection, this elegant and distinctive earring is inspired by the Ixora coccinea, commonly known as the Flame of the Wood. Revered for symbolising fertility, passion, and good fortune, the design beautifully captures the essence and vibrancy of this iconic flower.
Expertly crafted from recycled silver, the earring features a delicate Ixora bloom created using a combination of wire manipulation and traditional handcrafted filigree techniques. The long, wavy ear post is an artistic abstraction inspired by the flower's name, "Flame of the Wood," evoking the graceful movement and dynamic shape of flickering flames.
A harmonious blend of meaningful symbolism and exceptional craftsmanship, this earring celebrates the fiery spirit of life, making it the perfect choice for those who embrace boldness, energy, and passion in their style.
Ixora Ear Wire
Rooted in the heritage of Indonesia’s Pasisir Batik from Pekalongan, The Flower Universe collection reimagines the traditional Sekar Jagad batik through an alternate interpretation: in this view, "Sekar" means "flower" and "Jagad" means "universe," as opposed to the conventional "Kar Jagad," which translates to "world map."
While this interpretation differs, the core values and message remain unchanged: to celebrate diversity and embrace unity within it. We chose this alternate meaning to highlight the distinctive qualities of Central Java's Pasisir Batik, which is known for its rich floral motifs, each symbolising unique cultural meanings.
The collection is organised into Eight themed "universes" or families: Jasminum, Ixora, Hieracium, Sambucus, Achillea, Lobularia, Phlox and Bloom. Each of these reflects a unique floral world, showcasing the symbolic and artistic diversity that defines Pasisir Batik.